The customer of tomorrow prefers to rely on his/ her own experiences. He/ she feels manipulated by advertisements and the media. Brands are irrelevant. He/ she likes to network with like-minded people in order to get the best product at the best price.

The customer of tomorrow loves bargains above all. Due to his/ her brand affinity he/ she knows exactly which brand he/ she wants and compares the offers of various suppliers beyond all media and channels. While searching for the best price he/ she uses discounts and coupons.

The customer of tomorrow feels pleasure, delight and joy during shopping. The brand victim loves his/ her brands and the theatrical staging on the surface. The parties involved use mass media to spread their message far and wide whilst keeping customers close through exciting in-store experiences.

The customer of tomorrow views shopping as an annoying obligation. Retailers who take the burden off the customer quickly win their devotion. He/ she entrusts the retail partner with personal data because automation, technical innovation and economic efficiency of purchasing and information are important to him/ her.

The customer of tomorrow strolls with pleasure in the world of cyberspace. “Always on” is his/ her motto with high preference of mobile and local. Mobile devices and wearable technologies supply individual recommendations according to the needs of the retailer.

The customer of tomorrow is limited to essentials.  If the conscientious and modest consumer can identify with the sustainability of the retailer, he/ she is loyal and desires personal, on-site support. He/ she appreciates the exchange amongst a peer group, the concept of a shared economy as well as handmade products.

The customer of tomorrow seeks for an intensive exchange with retailers who represent authentically his/ her lifestyle. As a nucleus of the community the retailer supplies the technophile and experience-oriented customer with individual information, if it is preferred via social networks or retrieved by the customer.

Nullachtfünfzehn geht nicht mehr. Der Kunde von morgen mag es gern außergewöhnlich. Er liebt individuelle Waren, Services und Informationen genauso wie das ausgefallene Ambiente, sowohl virtuell als auch real. Händlern, die diese Anforderung in idealer Weise erfüllen, gestattet er den engen, interaktiven Dialog auf technisch anspruchsvollem Niveau.

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