Scenarios for regional mobility markets
The question on how the mobility might evolve in the future is nowadays not only extremely important for humans, but also for companies.
Where and how am I going to work in a world becoming more and more dynamic and globalized? How do I get to my workplace? Concerning questions and criteria as velocity and security but also cost efficiency and sustainability, the offer of the public transport (ÖPNV) plays an important role, in the rural as well as in the urban area. Providers of ÖPNV are well advised to intensively deal with future mobility and their potential development in order to position themselves strategically well.
In a current project, the ScMI AG has investigated aforementioned issues and has created scenarios for ‘Zukunft der Mobilität in Mitteldeutschland 2015’, under the direction and moderation of Jens-Peter Kuhle, authorized signatory of ScMI AG, on behalf of Mitteldeutscher Verkehrsbund (MDV).
In case any questions concerning our company ScMI, the above project or the methodology of Scenario ManagementTM might occur, we are happy to discuss them with you. You are interested in examining an own interrogation concerning the future? Or desire accompany for necessary changes for the way to “your future”? Anyways, we are looking forward to your call!