The Future of Shipbuilding & Offshore-Component Supplying
How will the shipbuilding industry develop? How will the offshore sector look like? Will the price for oil have an impact on the component supplier industry for shipbuilding and offshore?
How will the shipbuilding industry develop? How will the offshore sector look like? Will the price for oil have an impact on the component supplier industry for shipbuilding and offshore?
Which role will the political framework play, especially regarding the energy and enviromental policy?
Questions like these concerning the future of the shipbuilding- and offshore- component supplier industry have been discussed by the sector of Marine Equipment of the VDMA (Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V.).
ScMI AG's future-experts lead the project, in which engineers and managers of the component supplier industry for the sector of shipbuilding engage themselves with different future scenarios . ScMI AG guided the participants of the project through the future-process. Within intense and professional discussions, manifold factors that have an impact on the topic were evaluated and with the method of Szenario-ManagementTM the relevant key facts were selected. For these factors, different future developments have been generated in order to build up enviromental scenarios for the component supplier industry for the sector of shipbuilding, in the year 2024.
The members of the VDMA can use this wide future knowledge in order to evaluate own strategic alternatives from different points of views and thus adjust their strategy: "You do not only look at one single scenario, and by this just one single strategy, you rather look at more scenarios and thus different strategies", says one participant. This approach is useful, especially for branches with extensive developmental periods. Through the systematic approach different futures can be discovered and possible strategies critically discussed. Thus long term successful positioning is possible.
You can find further information on the homepage of VDMA (in German).