Price of German Market Research for ScMI
In celebration of the 48th congress of the German Market Research in Berlin, the Price of the German Market Research was awarded for the ninth time on the 22nd of April 2013 at the ceremonial gala event.
One of this year laureates is the ScMI AG from Paderborn.
ScMI received the award due to its scenarios concerning the future of urban mobility, the utility car market as well as the bus-based tourism which were jointly developed with MAN Truck & Bus from Munich and the future experts from Paderborn. ScMI supports companies and organizations in preparing their strategies for uncertainty in complex market environments with its methodology of Scenario-Management. Not only do many DAX companies belong to their customer range, but also innovative medium-sized companies, organizations and public institutions.
What was especially convincing for the jury of the German Market-and Social scientists was on the one hand the systematic and clear demonstration of the used methodology and on the other hand the transparency of the process. Concerning all three topics, the ScMI did not only concentrate on the already existing internal future knowledge – but included customers, competitors, organizations or external innovators into the foresight process.
Jointly dealing with possible futures is a highly prevailing topic, stated ScMI chairman Dr. Alexander Fink during his talk – not only in the market and social research but also in strategic planning and in innovation management. While many companies stay highly focused on developments within the industry or very close to it, two thirds of all relevant changes evolve outside the current competitor area.
If companies are in a strategic partnership they have the chance to take consider further perspectives which might lay the foundation for successful future strategies.