ScMI at the DTIM-Conference in Berlin
Scenarios as maps of the future – in one way or another scenarios can be better understood if many different futures are mapped together. Consequently, ScMI provided a “map room” during their icebreaker-session at the 2016 DTIM-Conference in order to introduce the Scenario-Management approach.
In February, the biggest networking event for business development and disruptive innovation in Germany took place in Berlin – the Disruptive Technologies & Innovation Foresight Minds. The latest DTIM offered again various possibilities to discuss methods of technology forecasting, business models and disruptive innovations throughout the various keynotes, world cafes, discussion panels, experience reports, benchmarks as well as the evening event. The ScMI AG was again represented at the DTIM with an exhibition booth which met great interest of almost 170 participants. In addition, ScMI organized icebreaker sessions where the guests were given different scenarios and future spaces in the form of “maps of the future” to discuss promote discussions. The spectrum ranged from sceanrios of the energy or mechanical engineering industry to overarching topics such as smart city or sustainable development. An intense discussion quickly arose on the different forms of scenario development and the organization of appropriate foresight processes. Additionally, Alexander Fink and Hanna Rammig took the opportunity to explain the benefits that come along with the usage of scenarios.