Corona stress test of D2030: Future experts predominantly optimistic
Almost three-quarters of the future experts surveyed in a "Corona stress test" expect that a structural change towards sustainability and public welfare will succeed after the pandemic. However, this will only be possible if there are forward-looking control measures in politics, business and society. Otherwise, there is a danger of backward-looking isolation and exclusion, as feared by another quarter. But almost all experts agree on one thing: there will be no return to the old normality.
In a "Corona Stress Test" supported by ScMI AG, more than 100 future experts from science, economy, administration, consulting and civil society were asked how they assess the development of Germany in the coming years. The aim of this survey of the non-partisan association "D2030 - Rethinking Germany" was to find out if and how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we see the future. The stress test was based on the eight D2030 scenarios that were developed in a participatory process in 2017.
Among the expected individual trends, which have become more significant as a result of the corona pandemic, are first of all a general decline in prosperity and aggravated conflicts of values in society. However, the experts also assume that positive trends will be reinforced by the current crisis, for example the testing of new forms of community and cultural openness, the establishment of markets for high-quality products in regional cycles and the development of new potential for rural areas.
In the presentation of the results, Dr. Alexander Fink, CEO of the ScMI AG, particularly addressed the opportunities arising from the exceptional situation. However, the optimistic basic tendency of the expert evaluations is not a reliable path for the future, but rather requires intelligent control and diverse cooperation in order to avoid the undoubtedly also existing dangers.
The detailed results of the Corona stress test can be found here in German.