Agriculture and nutrition forum thinks about the future of groceries

DER AEF Vorsitzende Uwe Bartels begrüßt Dr. Alexander Fink als Referenten zur Mitgliederversammlung des Agrar- und Ernährungsforums.

The future of our groceries – planning possible futures and acting strategically with scenarios. Dr. Alexander Fink held a lecture on this topic at the members’ meeting of the “agriculture and nutrition forum Oldenburger Münsterland” in Emstek.

It revealed  that it is getting increasingly difficult to depict a clear image of the future. The industry of agriculture and nutrition also sees itself affected by market and external changes. By presenting the scenarios concerning the future of our groceries, which were evolved during a project of “Anuga” , the federal association of the German Food Trade and the ScMI, Dr. Alexander Fink was able to clarify the uncertainties. Subsequent to the talk, the participants had some time to discuss the touched future topics.

The agriculture and energy forum of the Oldenburger Münsterland considers it as a special task to support the understanding of economic issues of the Oldenburger Münsterland within and beyond its borders and to contribute to the development of the economic area Oldenburger Münsterland. It is integrated in a strong network of institutions and management of administration, science and economy. Chairman of the agriculture and energy forum is Uwe Bartels, former minister of agriculture of Lower Saxony.

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