This March the ScMI AG offers again two open seminars / trainings on the topic of Scenario Management™. This time also in english language in Berlin (12-13 March 2020). One week later, on 19-20 March 2020, we will share our scenario knowledge in German in Paderborn.
"A comprehensive book, suitable for all those who want to get more involved with the scenario technique."
In a multi-client scenario project that was initiated from the Cologne based EHI Retail Institute, ScMI AG together with 31 decision-makers from retail and service companies, developed and evaluated scenarios for the future of trade logistics in 2025.
From strategic foresight to future robust decisions is the subtitle of the latest book released by the two ScMI boards members Dr. Alexander Fink and Dr. Andreas Siebe.
„Whether the trade logistic is able to remain competitive in the future, or whether new player barge between end customer and trade, is highly dependent on the position trade takes in the process of digitalization.“ This is the core result from the „EHI scenario study on trade logistics 2025“, which was conducted in cooperation between the EHI Retail Institute in Cologne, several logistics experts from trade and ScMI - their methodical partner company.

On July 18th, ScMI provided its first scenario-workshop in Egypt in co-operation with its partner firm CORPORATE CLIENT, a 2010 established consulting company from Cairo.
NAMET stands for “North Africa, Middle East and Turkey” – a diverse geo-region which is characterized by a high level of complexity and uncertainty – but also of high dynamic and significant market opportunities.