The demographic change, the altered self-perception of elders as well as the decreasing part of those, who solely want to be in the care of family members, lead to a change in dealing with the age and an increasing demand for caregivers.
The future of our groceries – planning possible futures and acting strategically with scenarios. Dr. Alexander Fink held a lecture on this topic at the members’ meeting of the “agriculture and nutrition forum Oldenburger Münsterland” in Emstek.
Lean, agile and dynamic - this is how companies nowadays align their process organization and infrastructure to changes and future market requirements.
The sustainability action concerning foresight developed 17 future scenarios for the markets machinery and plant engineering, automotive engineering and energy industry in the context of the cluster-technology-network “intelligent technical systems OstWestfalenLippe (it’s OWL)”
ScMI AG accompanied, as exclusive partner, the German Conference for the European Women's Management Development International Network (EWMD) in Stuttgart.
How will the shipbuilding industry develop? How will the offshore sector look like? Will the price for oil have an impact on the component supplier industry for shipbuilding and offshore?
In their contribution „In Zukünften denken“ (“Thinking in futures”) to changeX, Alexander Fink and Andreas Siebe deal with the possibilities of future management.
The outbursts of the global financial and economic crisis lead to a profound uncertainty in the economy, the society and in politics.
The question while analysing worldwide finance crise is, could it have been forecasted early?