Cities and municipalities are facing – not only, but also because of the strong influx - more diverse future questions: How will different outside influences develop?
Under the direction of Johanna Brühl and Jens Brennholt (Senior Manager at ScMI AG), the participants of the BDVT event (Bundesverband der Trainer, Berater und Coaches) Regional Club Westphalia investigated this question.
In the context of the Knowledge Factory Forum a main prize for entrepreneurship was awarded for the first time within the framework of the ‘Jugend forscht Competition’ on June 8th. With this regard, the chairmanship of the jury initiated by the Knowledge Factory and the BASF was incumbent upon Dr. Andreas Siebe, member of the executive board of the ScMI.
The future of rural areas in Germany
How does the rural area might look like in 2030? What kind of role could it play in economy and society? What perspectives does it offer for communities, citizens and companies? These and many other questions are subject of a systematic scenario development.
Scenario study about the future of personnel development
Demography and skills shortage, globalization and location quality, digitalization and technological change. How will the personnel development will look like in the future with respect to the uncertainties? And how will it work together with other functions and external further training opportunities?
How are scenarios developed? How can strategies be robustly created? And which trends and scenarios influence our business? – There are many questions to be answered as soon as possible. The ScMI AG wants to provide answers by means of the new webinar series.
Precisely since ten years, the Wissensfabrik supports entrepreneurs and young entrepreneurs with aimed know-how-transfer and access to their high-class network from more than 120 companies and foundations. Following the perfect match-principle, it brings experienced managers with young entrepreneurs together.
The demographic change, the altered self-perception of elders as well as the decreasing part of those, who solely want to be in the care of family members, lead to a change in dealing with the age and an increasing demand for caregivers.
Many important decision makers criticize the current inflationary use of the term “strategy”. One rather prefers Business Models instead of strategies and Business Development instead of strategic planning. But one thing is still undisputed: Companies are in need of clear and longer-term goals and they need an idea of how to reach this goal. We keep on calling this a “Strategy”.