Executive Board

Dr.-Ing. Alexander Fink
is founder and member of the executive board of ScMI Scenario Management International AG, Paderborn.
Dr. Fink has a long experience in strategic consulting of industrial and service enterprises. His main focusses are Scenario Management™, visionary strategy development and the integration of foresight and scenarios in management and planning processes. He is the author and co-author of several books, writes for numerous German and international magazines and professional journals. For his works he received different awards, as in 2013 the price of German market investigation.
Alexander Fink studied engineering economics at the University of Paderborn and did his doctorate on scenario based company leadership at the Heinz Nixdorf Institut. He is committed to several universities and gives lectures home and abroad concerning Scenario Management™.

Jens-Peter Kuhle
is procurator and leads the business department „Software-Scenario-Manager“.
Jens-Peter Kuhle possesses longstanding experience in strategic consulting of industry and service companies. The core of his consulting activity at ScMI is the scenario creation for national and international projects, as well as the design of trend detection and early detection systems. Even more, Mr. Kuhle writes for numerous German and international magazines and professional journals.
He studied business engineering with a major in production technology at the University of Paderborn. From 1997 until 2000 he was employed as a scientific assistant at the Heinz Nixdorf Institut in the area of "strategic production management".

Hanna Rammig
is assistant manager and senior project manager.
Hanna Rammig has supervised several national and international scenario projects in different industries and also acquired projects from the public sector. Her main emphasis is on scenario based analysis concerning societal and economic change processes as well as strategy development. Mrs. Rammig is author of different scenario studies, including the current scenario study of the Federal Environment Agency.
Hanna Rammig studied media management at the Ilmenau University of Technology (TU Ilmenau) with the main focus on strategic leadership and marketing. Her diploma thesis dealt with the development of scenarios concerning the future of media environment in Germany.